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Choosing Penis Enlargement in Toronto Without Surgery

Penis Enlargement in Toronto Without Surgery

Why is scar-free penis enlargement in Toronto the new “it” procedure for men?

Once a niche cosmetic treatment, penis enlargement has become an in-demand male enhancement. The type of guys who choose to add penis girth now represent all walks of life, because a bigger package can boost confidence in several ways – not just in the bedroom.

We’ll explain the difference between surgery and the new evolution of penis enlargement in Toronto.  And we’ll tell you why safer, natural-looking growth is now within reach.

Penis Enlargement in Toronto – the Surgery

Once marketed as the only way to grow the penis, penoplasty is a surgery involving general anaesthesia, incisions, and potential for scarring. While it may seem like a tried-and-true option for penis enlargement in Toronto, there are considerations.

A few methods for surgically altering penis size include:

  • Ligament release: Cutting the ligament that attaches the pubic bone to the penile base allows it to hang lower.
  • Penile implant: A silicone implant holds a semi-firm shape and is inserted into the penile shaft to expand and lengthen it.
  • Fat transfer: Fat can be removed from one body area and injected into the penis, where some of it will remain, to increase girth.

Why Do Men Want Penis Enlargement in Toronto Without Going Under the Knife?

Any surgery brings a risk of complication, including possible infection, unexpected bleeding, scarring, or nerve damage. Though many procedures are considered a success, in rare cases, penile dysfunction or appearance concerns will lead to additional reconstructive surgeries.

Recovery After Penis Enlargement in Toronto – the New Way Vs. the Old

  1. A top reason for ditching invasive procedures is recovery time. Surgery often requires a week off work and activity restrictions (including sex) for several weeks. That’s a significant inconvenience for men who can pause for a week or two but won’t put life on hold for months.
  1. A second factor is the cost of penis enlargement. It’s not unusual to spend $10,000 to $30,000 for penis surgery, and insurance won’t usually help with elective procedures.
  2. Permanent results: At first glance, results lasting forever seems like a pro instead of a con. However, because some surgical outcomes are unsatisfying and lead to regret, the ability to reverse or change the results of penis enlargement in Toronto is extremely attractive. After all, it’s a sensitive area that we’re dealing with. Taking chances with permanent problems is no longer necessary for a bigger penis. So why risk it?

Find Out How Penis Enlargement in Toronto Has Transformed for the Better

Men like you tell us they would invest in penis enlargement if it were non-surgical, they could trust its safety, and it really worked. That’s why the Big Shot™ is becoming a star in male enhancement.

The Big Shot™ can increase flaccid penis size up to 50%! And this fast, lunchtime procedure builds measurable gains that stick around for well over a year in most cases.

Our scar-free technique stimulates long-lasting collagen and elastin structure to build tissue thickness and increase blood flow and penile function, while instantly adding big-time volume that you see immediately!

Finally, penis enlargement in Toronto is for every man. Book your confidential appointment to find out how Big Shot™ can help you live large.

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Big Shot™

Big Shot™ is the evolution of male enhancement in Canada.